Feb. 5, 2013



Learn How To Reduce Stress

By Sister Ameedah Mawalin, B.A., MT, NA, SMT

Ordained Spiritual Minister and Stress Management Trainer

Mission Statement:

Hi, my name is Sister Ameedah.   I am an ordained spiritual minister and stress management trainer.  By spiritual, I am NOT referring to reliance on or allegiance to a belief system, but the art of becoming self-empowered by managing the breath (lifeforce) in order to unleash the God-power within for a more abundant, healthy, and peaceful life beginning with stress management.  My spiritual journey begins with sharing information and processes for the lifelong practice of reducing stress based on solid research, experience, and training.

As previously stated, I am an ordained spiritual minister whose journey begins as a stress management trainer.  There are four other corridors to this ministry. 

My foundational belief system was the religion of metaphysics or Christian Science.  Within this belief system, I understood the Supreme Being to be Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle—all the elements of Personhood.   By personhood, I refer to all the natural rights and privileges of existing--being. Today, I embrace these principles, however not the belief system itself, adding to it integrity, authenticity, self-empowerment, and a host of other properties all of which I refer to as my godhood or my state of supreme being.   This is my stuff, my truth, and may have no bearing on stress management for you.   These are my judgments, perceptions, and feelings, and I own them with no expectation of change from you.

My total focus is on stress management and breathing toward better health and relaxation which leads to more energy to focus on your own mission or whatever moves you.

Thus if you care to be supportive, or your health is affected by mismanagement of stress, and/or you are affected by or sympathetic to the mismanagement of stress by others, particularly in the wake of the escalating crime-sprees and stress, this site may, in fact, be helpful to you. 

Although circumstances may be out of your control, you can control how much stressful reaction you have to it.  I can guarantee from experience that without this control, you can neither accept nor change your circumstances or ask for support if you are near unconsciousness, unconscious, stroked out, hyperventilating, undergoing cardiac arrest, etc.  Thus as you can see, stress management can be a godsend and life-saving.

THE PURPOSE OF THIS SITE IS TO GIVE YOU AN AWARENESS OF THE DANGERS OF HARMFUL STRESS AND HOW IT MAY BE AFFECTING YOUR LIFE.  IT IS NOT A TRAINING COURSE AS TRAINING IS QUITE EXTENSIVE AND REQUIRES RESPONSES AND INTERACTION WITH YOU; NOR IS IT A SUBSTITUTE FOR HEALTHCARE.  If you are suffering from stress to the point that your health is affected and/or relationships are affected due to your inability to cope, in addition to immediate medical attention, you may wish to evaluate your stress level.  Thus proper breathing and relaxation, among other things, would be just a start in getting you to consider the potential risks of harmful stress.

Therefore I wholeheartedly invite you to take this journey with me, toward healing yourself, to fulfill your mission in life beginning with breathing and stress management techniques.

More to come.........Take care.


Kimberly Marsahll

11.01.2014 17:24

I look forward to this journey into stress management. I would like to know how to effectively be stress free. Love your site!

ameedah mawalin

12.01.2014 08:49

Ty. No one is ever stress-free. Even healthy ambitions, challenges, and happiness produces stress. Key: avoiding bad stressors-poor diet, negative thinking.:)

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